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发布时间:2021-01-23 01:53:53 所属栏目:Linux 来源:网络整理
导读:h1 id="批量执行工具pssh详解"批量执行工具PSSH详解 pssh是一个python编写可以在多台服务器上执行命令的工具,同时支持拷贝文件,是同类工具中很出色的,使用必须在各个服务器上配置好密钥认证访问。 yum install pssh -y # 安装setuptools包,如果安装了跳


[root@localhost ~]# pslurp -h /etc/pssh_hosts -L /tmp/ /root/expect.sh test1 
[1] 10:44:55 [FAILURE] web1.jiajie.com 22 Received error code of 1
[2] 10:44:56 [FAILURE] web3.jiajie.com 22 Received error code of 1
[3] 10:44:56 [SUCCESS] web2.jiajie.com 22
[root@localhost ~]# ll /tmp/web2.jiajie.com/
总用量 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 139 10月 17 10:44 test1

[root@localhost ~]# pslurp -r -h /etc/pssh_hosts -L /tmp/ /root/shell.sh test2

<h3 id="prsync-命令">prsync 命令:

Usage: prsync [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt local remote

-r --recursive recusively copy directories (OPTIONAL)
-a --archive use rsync -a (archive mode) (OPTIONAL)
-z --compress use rsync compression (OPTIONAL)
-h --hosts hosts file (each line "host[:port] [login]")
-l --user username (OPTIONAL)
-p --par max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL)
-o --outdir output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL)
-e --errdir output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL)
-t --timeout timeout (secs) (-1 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL)
-v --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL)
-O --options SSH options (OPTIONAL)

Example: prsync -r -h hosts.txt -l irb2 foo /home/irb2/foo


[root@localhost ~]# prsync -h /etc/pssh_hosts -a -r /root/shell.sh /tmp
[1] 11:33:26 [SUCCESS] web3.jiajie.com 22
[2] 11:33:26 [SUCCESS] web1.jiajie.com 22
[3] 11:33:27 [SUCCESS] web2.jiajie.com 22




Usage: pnuke [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt pattern

-h --hosts hosts file (each line "host[:port] [user]")
-l --user username (OPTIONAL)
-p --par max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL)
-o --outdir output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL)
-e --errdir output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL)
-t --timeout timeout (secs) (-1 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL)
-v --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL)
-O --options SSH options (OPTIONAL)

Example: pnuke -h hosts.txt -l irb2 java

相当于killall命令。可以直接使用pssh 来传递killall命令,这里就不做介绍了。


